ProfofPump 03:01 AM - Apr 06 2021

SAII - Otonomo merger

Software Acquisition Corp II has been flying under the radar for months but it looks like Otonomo Is its merger target. Otonomo is a automotive data company which sounds boring but is a game changer when you consider that most dating coming from cars is wasted or under utilized. See the attached pdf and podcast episode for DD. 
109075_1.pdf 1.05 MB
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SPAC Central

Created By: Maverick
Created: Jun 21, 2020
Total Followers: 7
SPACs ("Special Purpose Acquisition Companies") are blank check companies that have cash in them and are seeing a target to acquire.  These can be fun because it's a 🕵️‍♀️ game of who they're going to acquire.  It can be profitable if the target company ends up being something in a hot space.  

Make sure to do your DD on management behind the SPAC, cash position, and target sector.
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