Latest Trades
SPX500 - S&P 500 Cash Index Trade - Sell
- 1 year ago by: Maverick

OUT SPX500 4040 Call 2022-09-09 @ $67.73

23:50 PM - Sep 19 2022
Original Trade Info:
BOT: SPX500 4040 Call 2022-09-09 @ 67.73
Flipped from puts to calls. 🤡

22:42 PM - Aug 29 2022
Trade By: Maverick from the Maverick's Moves Group

BBBY - Bed Bath and Beyond Trade - Sell
- 1 year ago by: Maverick

OUT BBBY 11 Call 2022-09-09 @ $4.5
21:16 PM - Aug 30 2022
Original Trade Info:
BOT: BBBY 11 Call 2022-09-09 @ 4.25
Just a punt on 8/31 investor update.  Out by Tuesday EOD.  Float is ~50% short.

22:43 PM - Aug 29 2022
Trade By: Maverick from the Maverick's Moves Group

SPX500 - S&P 500 Cash Index Trade - Sell
- 1 year ago by: Maverick

OUT SPX500 4200 Call 2022-09-12 @ $53
Was relieved to get out of these with smallish loss.  Of course, had I held to EOD, would have been a profit.  IT was a long road from Monday though. 😅

21:40 PM - Aug 25 2022
Original Trade Info:
BOT: SPX500 4200 Call 2022-09-12 @ 59.4
Scenario 1 didn't play out, I just kept buying calls all the way to 413....holding gucci bags right now.

00:07 AM - Aug 23 2022
Trade By: Maverick from the Maverick's Moves Group

SPX500 - S&P 500 Cash Index Trade - Sell
- 1 year ago by: Maverick

OUT SPX500 4270 Put 2022-09-02 @ $69
After holding these damn things for way too long and averaging down....made it out with a profit. 🤡

22:26 PM - Aug 17 2022
Original Trade Info:
BOT: SPX500 4270 Put 2022-09-02 @ 63.67
Rolled that loss put into higher strike, longer date.  Those damn technicals are so overbought I can't stand to not be in it, but the right move here is to wait until confirmation of pullback.

22:01 PM - Aug 14 2022
Trade By: Maverick from the Maverick's Moves Group

SPX500 - S&P 500 Cash Index Trade - Sell
- 1 year ago by: Maverick

OUT SPX500 4210 Put 2022-08-24 @ $25.7
....and got whacked. 🤡

21:59 PM - Aug 14 2022
Original Trade Info:
BOT: SPX500 4210 Put 2022-08-24 @ 46.95
Held one overnight Thu->Fri.  Averaged down Friday.  Bad move, against scenario, against rules of holding overnight.

21:59 PM - Aug 14 2022
Trade By: Maverick from the Maverick's Moves Group

SPX500 - S&P 500 Cash Index Trade - Sell
- 1 year ago by: Maverick

OUT SPX500 4210 Put 2022-08-24 @ $46.4
Did fine, but the real move was trading my...plan. 🤡

22:34 PM - Aug 11 2022
Original Trade Info:
BOT: SPX500 4210 Put 2022-08-24 @ 41.25
I, for no reason at all, went completely against my plan and did a put at the open.

22:33 PM - Aug 11 2022
Trade By: Maverick from the Maverick's Moves Group

SPX500 - S&P 500 Cash Index Trade - Sell
- 1 year ago by: Maverick

OUT SPX500 4100 Put 2022-08-19 @ $47
I didn't quite exit at 410 (I think it was around 410.88 at the time), but good enough...

21:27 PM - Aug 09 2022
Original Trade Info:
BOT: SPX500 4100 Put 2022-08-19 @ 44.4
Opened below 413, sticking to plan....

21:26 PM - Aug 09 2022
Trade By: Maverick from the Maverick's Moves Group

SPX500 - S&P 500 Cash Index Trade - Sell
- 1 year ago by: Maverick

OUT SPX500 4160 Put 2022-08-16 @ $51.5
23:52 PM - Aug 08 2022
Original Trade Info:
BOT: SPX500 4160 Put 2022-08-16 @ 43.85
(Avg).  Gapped over 416, went for it.

23:52 PM - Aug 08 2022
Trade By: Maverick from the Maverick's Moves Group

SPX500 - S&P 500 Cash Index Trade - Sell
- 2 years ago by: Maverick

OUT SPX500 3950 Put 2022-08-05 @ $64.1
394 exit

00:12 AM - Jul 26 2022
Original Trade Info:
BOT: SPX500 3950 Put 2022-08-05 @ 58.5
5 min after the open....scenario 1 looked close enough.

00:11 AM - Jul 26 2022
Trade By: Maverick from the Maverick's Moves Group

SPX500 - S&P 500 Cash Index Trade - Sell
- 2 years ago by: Maverick

OUT SPX500 3950 Call 2022-08-01 @ $73.5
Did OK.

22:56 PM - Jul 21 2022
Original Trade Info:
BOT: SPX500 3950 Call 2022-08-01 @ 63
22:54 PM - Jul 21 2022
Trade By: Maverick from the Maverick's Moves Group

SPX500 - S&P 500 Cash Index Trade - Sell
- 2 years ago by: Maverick

OUT SPX500 3930 Put 2022-08-01 @ $54.2
I didn't break much further and started reversing.  Cut bait and flipped to calls. 

22:53 PM - Jul 21 2022
Original Trade Info:
BOT: SPX500 3930 Put 2022-08-01 @ 56.9
Caught this on the 393 break.

22:52 PM - Jul 21 2022
Trade By: Maverick from the Maverick's Moves Group

SPX500 - S&P 500 Cash Index Trade - Sell
- 2 years ago by: Maverick

OUT SPX500 3930 Put 2022-08-01 @ $68
GOOG gave me a gift today....I was otherwise cooked on these.

01:01 AM - Jul 21 2022
Original Trade Info:
BOT: SPX500 3930 Put 2022-08-01 @ 59.4
Two bad entries....

01:00 AM - Jul 21 2022
Trade By: Maverick from the Maverick's Moves Group

NFLX - Netflix, Inc Trade - Sell
Maverick - 2 years ago

OUT NFLX @ 220
Closed out within a few seconds of ER.  Need more itches, apparently!

22:47 PM - Jul 19 2022
Original Trade Info:
BOT: NFLX @ 200
Bought some about 30 min before the close just to scratch an itch.

22:47 PM - Jul 19 2022
Trade By: Maverick from the Maverick's Moves Group

SPX500 - S&P 500 Cash Index Trade - Sell
- 2 years ago by: Maverick

OUT SPX500 3880 Put 2022-07-29 @ $78.6
I think I cut it around 381 SPY

21:51 PM - Jul 18 2022
Original Trade Info:
BOT: SPX500 3880 Put 2022-07-29 @ 66.35
After the AAPL news broke, shifted to 385 and 380 tests inbound.

21:48 PM - Jul 18 2022
Trade By: Maverick from the Maverick's Moves Group

SPX500 - S&P 500 Cash Index Trade - Sell
- 2 years ago by: Maverick

OUT SPX500 3860 Call 2022-07-26 @ $70.2
Kudos to Samosa.  He was right about weekend calls.

21:46 PM - Jul 18 2022
Original Trade Info:
BOT: SPX500 3860 Call 2022-07-26 @ 54.2
Samosa was a raging bull headed into the weekend, so I rode along...

22:48 PM - Jul 17 2022
Trade By: Maverick from the Maverick's Moves Group

SPX500 - S&P 500 Cash Index Trade - Sell
- 2 years ago by: Maverick

OUT SPX500 3820 Call 2022-07-26 @ $80
Closed out just below 385.

22:50 PM - Jul 17 2022
Original Trade Info:
BOT: SPX500 3820 Call 2022-07-26 @ 70
Besides that NQX trade I did (flat), this was my only trade on Friday.  Traded Scenario 2.

22:49 PM - Jul 17 2022
Trade By: Maverick from the Maverick's Moves Group

SPX500 - S&P 500 Cash Index Trade - Sell
- 2 years ago by: Maverick

OUT SPX500 3870 Call 2022-07-21 @ $72
Unfortuantely, I didn't get to play it fully out, but was able to do a quickie.  This went on to 90+

01:30 AM - Jul 13 2022
Original Trade Info:
BOT: SPX500 3870 Call 2022-07-21 @ 66
Exactly at 2pm.  Had to trade my plan...

01:29 AM - Jul 13 2022
Trade By: Maverick from the Maverick's Moves Group

SPX500 - S&P 500 Cash Index Trade - Sell
- 2 years ago by: Maverick

OUT SPX500 3870 Put 2022-07-21 @ $65.5
Itch scratched.

23:28 PM - Jul 11 2022
Original Trade Info:
BOT: SPX500 3870 Put 2022-07-21 @ 62.5
After selling at the open, didn't do anything else until 2pm.  Had an itch to scratch.

23:28 PM - Jul 11 2022
Trade By: Maverick from the Maverick's Moves Group

SPX500 - S&P 500 Cash Index Trade - Sell
- 2 years ago by: Maverick

OUT SPX500 3900 Put 2022-07-18 @ $66
Got out right at the open knowing I cheated death.

Then it went to around 75. 🤡

I didn't care, I'll take the win!

23:26 PM - Jul 11 2022
Original Trade Info:
BOT: SPX500 3900 Put 2022-07-18 @ 60
Bad timing, rolled that into holding over weekend. 🤡

22:07 PM - Jul 10 2022
Trade By: Maverick from the Maverick's Moves Group

SPX500 - S&P 500 Cash Index Trade - Sell
- 2 years ago by: Maverick

OUT SPX500 3900 Put 2022-07-18 @ $73
...should have been done.

22:06 PM - Jul 10 2022
Original Trade Info:
BOT: SPX500 3900 Put 2022-07-18 @ 65
Was just playing the bounce. 

22:05 PM - Jul 10 2022
Trade By: Maverick from the Maverick's Moves Group

SPX500 - S&P 500 Cash Index Trade - Sell
- 2 years ago by: Maverick

OUT SPX500 3860 Call 2022-07-18 @ $81
Went for a couple hour ride.  Missed the expected run to 390....

21:32 PM - Jul 07 2022
Original Trade Info:
BOT: SPX500 3860 Call 2022-07-18 @ 76.65
Scenario 2 kicked in - but I was way late, around 10am.  

21:31 PM - Jul 07 2022
Trade By: Maverick from the Maverick's Moves Group

SPX500 - S&P 500 Cash Index Trade - Sell
- 2 years ago by: Maverick

OUT SPX500 3820 Call 2022-07-14 @ $67.5
Allllmost held overnight, but stayed disciplined and shook of Samosa's bad influence.

23:52 PM - Jul 05 2022
Original Trade Info:
BOT: SPX500 3820 Call 2022-07-14 @ 61.35
So strong.  Had to go back in for another ride at 3pm.

23:51 PM - Jul 05 2022
Trade By: Maverick from the Maverick's Moves Group

SPX500 - S&P 500 Cash Index Trade - Sell
- 2 years ago by: Maverick

OUT SPX500 3830 Call 2022-07-14 @ $67
Neither of my scenarios played out, so I just waited until 373 (while stomaching a big unrealized loss) and then avearged down.  I bought at 38 which gave me an average of 51.50.

Exited 53.50 (+2.00), so we'll call it 67 just to close this trade record out.

23:48 PM - Jul 05 2022
Original Trade Info:
BOT: SPX500 3830 Call 2022-07-14 @ 65
Samosa managed to get me to hold overnight 3 days in a row.  He's a monster.

21:54 PM - Jul 04 2022
Trade By: Maverick from the Maverick's Moves Group

SPX500 - S&P 500 Cash Index Trade - Sell
- 2 years ago by: Maverick

OUT SPX500 3750 Put 2022-07-11 @ $29.5
That stung

21:53 PM - Jul 04 2022
Original Trade Info:
BOT: SPX500 3750 Put 2022-07-11 @ 56.7
Momentary insanity...

21:53 PM - Jul 04 2022
Trade By: Maverick from the Maverick's Moves Group

SPX500 - S&P 500 Cash Index Trade - Sell
- 2 years ago by: Maverick

OUT SPX500 3800 Call 2022-07-11 @ $51.2
Flat. 😅

21:52 PM - Jul 04 2022
Original Trade Info:
BOT: SPX500 3800 Call 2022-07-11 @ 51
I got a strong pitch from Samosa on why today's PCE was good and we're on our way back to 400.  He got me hyped up so I took a bite.....then held overnight.  Silly boy again.  Very low confidence this will work out by Fridays close.

23:50 PM - Jun 30 2022
Trade By: Maverick from the Maverick's Moves Group

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