ProfofPump 11:01 AM - Sep 08 2021

Hyperfine is Fine with me?

Hyperfine in my opinion is diamond in the rough of the SPAC wreckage. See below for some DD from the Motley Fool and other sources:

"The Next Nano-X, but With Less Risk? | The Motley Fool"

"Our Mission, Leadership Team, Vision, and Goals: About Hyperfine | Hyperfine"
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SPAC Central

Created By: Maverick
Created: Jun 21, 2020
Total Followers: 7
SPACs ("Special Purpose Acquisition Companies") are blank check companies that have cash in them and are seeing a target to acquire.  These can be fun because it's a 🕵️‍♀️ game of who they're going to acquire.  It can be profitable if the target company ends up being something in a hot space.  

Make sure to do your DD on management behind the SPAC, cash position, and target sector.
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