ProfofPump 04:59 AM - Oct 06 2020


Palihapitiya is at it again! SEC S-1 for IPOD.
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Maverick - 3 years ago
It's a bit scary for the SPAC space that he's going to use the entire alphabet... IPOA-Z.

Bubble, anyone?
ProfofPump - 3 years ago
I'm not a huge expert but you're right that the number of SPACs have gotten ridiculous. They say you know the big profits on an investable trend are over if your neighbor (or CNBC) mentions it. Long term, things should still be ok because the ones with quality leadership will select quality companies...which is what I'm banking on. 
Maverick - 3 years ago
I think this has had a lot to do with the few SPACs that should have gone boom boom....getting thrashed. The market has been absolutely flooded with SPACs and that money has been spread all over the place.

I got whacked pretty good last 45 days.

SPAC Central

Created By: Maverick
Created: Jun 21, 2020
Total Followers: 7
SPACs ("Special Purpose Acquisition Companies") are blank check companies that have cash in them and are seeing a target to acquire.  These can be fun because it's a 🕵️‍♀️ game of who they're going to acquire.  It can be profitable if the target company ends up being something in a hot space.  

Make sure to do your DD on management behind the SPAC, cash position, and target sector.
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